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Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The education system is meritocratic Essay Example
The education system is meritocratic Paper The education system is viewed in many different ways by different sociologists. When talking about the education system sociologists are referring to forms of education where people experience secondary socialisation which is the relearning of the norms and values learned during primary socialisation in the family; it is also viewed as an agent of social control where children are taught to conform to societies expectations and they are taught this through the hidden curriculum which is lessons which arent part of the national curriculum which the government says are needed to be learnt but are lessons such as how to be obedient and who to be obedient to. The system of meritocracy the idea that the ones who do well are rewarded and the ones who not do well are not i. e. those who do the best get the best job. The meritocratic view of the education system means that the system is fair and supports all however, other sociologists discard this view as legitimising a system of inequality where some people dues to wealth/class do better than others. Functionalists believe that the education system is meritocratic. A meritocracy is the idea that those who work hard receive rewards this is the view the hardest working students get the best grades and go on to get the best jobs they believe that it is difference in cultural values that lead to differences in class results which have been seen throughout the years and were evident in the end of the recent academic year with children in the highest social classes doing better than those in the lowest social classes. We will write a custom essay sample on The education system is meritocratic specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The education system is meritocratic specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The education system is meritocratic specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Trough this system of meritocracy there is an equality of opportunity which is where school creates a system where all people can become equal no matter what class, gender or ethnicity everyone has the same opportunity to become a police officer or a doctor. This meritocracy is said to sift and sort perspective students into their correct positions as an adult in society. According to Parsons school is simply the bridge between the family or primary socialisation and entry to employment. He views the education system as a positive system of placing the best students at the top both in school and eventually the work place. This idea is supported by Davis and Moore (1945) who say that meritocracy is the system which social institutes (this includes school) use to sift and sort its members into different positions in this way they believe that school is meritocratic. They view meritocracy as allowing the principles of stratification to take place where individuals are place and motivated into different positions. Marxists criticise Davis and Moore for having extreme conservative views and being very class based. Functionalists view meritocracy as being evident in society and they use evidence such as the rise of working class children in universities as there has been a rise of working class children in higher education than in the fifties supporting the idea of a meritocracy. This view however like others comes up against scrutiny from Marxists who say the proof that is given isnt as conclusive as would be made out as the expansion of universities has largely benefited the bourgeoisie as there are more middle and upper class people in universities. They say that meritocracy is made yup in order to legitimise the system they view the few working class kids in universities as letting a few through to keep the rest quiet as it means people accept their positions as if I would have worked harder I could have achieved this. Marxists then due to this fact view the education as unfair and not meritocratic. They do however believe that there is a myth of meritocracy which was made up to legitimise the system of unfairness in which the bourgeoisie rule and the proletariat are exploited. The myth of meritocracy sets up a way of making the working class accept that they are working class and will always be working class this is where legitimising comes in they believe that the few working class kids that go to university make the rest of the working class think that its possible but they just didnt try hard enough to achieve the top positions and in this way as Althusser talks about a docile and obedient workforce is produced because the education system of a capitalist society passes on the belief through meritocracy that it is fair and the poor should accept their poverty as its their fault as they didnt try hard enough or they messed around. The myth of meritocracy is spoken about by Bowles and Gintis they said that school did allocate students into jobs but said this was not a positive concept but a negative one which was legitimised by the myth of meritocracy where there is an idea that meritocracy exists and this is fed through the hidden curriculum as children are told through school if you work hard you can achieve this but this doesnt exist its just said to not only to make sure there is not an uprising against the capitalist system but also reproduce the classes. Marxists criticise functionalists ideas behind meritocracy for numerous reasons. Functionalists say that the free education system is proof of fairness however, Marxists disagree and talk about the existence of grammar schools (whose students are mostly from the middle class) and private schools which are also very middle class institutions and public schools which are too expensive for anyone outside the upper class and because these schools exist and have better funding and more money they can afford the best things to help students do well. Marxists also believe that there are disadvantages for working class children before they even start school this through things such as material deprivation this is that working class kids cant afford things that others can such as tutors and in some cases computers this means that they have disadvantaged resources so they cant possibly have the same chance as others. Also Bourdieu though criticised for being culturally bias and suggesting the working class culture is a deprived one he picks up the point that teachers are middle class and so schools are middle institutions and for this reason the working class cant fit in as well as the middle class who have cultural capital do the best which is proven year after year when GCSE and A-Level results are released. They are also disadvantaged in the way that they speak; Labov and Bernstein talk about speech codes and how these disadvantage the working class. Bernstein spoke about two different kinds of speech codes these are elaborated which are very descriptive this is a middle class way of speaking and what is needed in school and restricting which is colloquial and consists of slang words which create a view of a person not being as bright. Labov went on to say that we must be careful not to assume a restricted speech code means that a person is thick however, judgements are made based on the way people speak; because of these disadvantages the system can not be meritocratic as meritocracy is based on a system of fairness and depends on people being equal from the beginning. Interactionalists agree with Labov and Bernstein as they agree that people are labelled on how they look and sound so how can their be a meritocracy if people are treated differently according to aspects of their personality? The interactionalist approach is mostly against the idea of a meritocracy because they believe that teacher labelling exists and George Herbert Mead spoke about symbolic interactionalism where our behaviour is in part created by the way we are treated by those around us; in particular significant others which are people who have power and control in our lives such as parents, teachers, friends and partners. In particular the role of teachers in education is picked up upon as Jacobson and Rosenthal (1968) found that when a group of children came up from primary school all at the same level they told teachers that some did particularly well on a test they made which predicted future genius this was a fake test and they chose randomly who would be the intellectual bloomers after a term they went back and found those that were labelled as intellectual bloomers done a lot better than others this proves that meritocracy can not exist as teachers label and can change results so not every one gets a fair chance as if your labelled as bright youll do better and if your not you wont do as well. David Gillborn whos research is largely ethnographic and still continues to this day said in his book Racism and Education: Coincidence or Conspiracy published in 2008 that the system is not designed to promote equality but to maintain the achievement gap between the white pupils and those pupils of ethnic minorities by stating this he immediately rejects the idea of a meritocracy as meritocracy is about people having equality from the beginning and being judged upon hard work however, if people are judged upon by ethnicity fairness cannot exist. Evidence for this is that Gillborn found that there was race labelling in the Local education Authorities (LEA) who expected a rise in white pupils attainment of 40 percent but only a 17 percent rise in that of black pupils and because interactionalists believe that we are largely shaped by those around us if black pupils are not expected to do as well then they will not; this is the idea of a self fulfilling prophecy in which a child in continuously told that they will not do well so they do not do well. Stephan Ball (1981) also used ethnographic study in order to conduct his research. In his study Beachside Comprehensive he found that teachers treat pupils differently based on streaming which is where a person is put in one stream for all subjects (assuming a person who is bright at one subject is bright at all subjects) and setting which is when you have different sets for each subject (accepts pupils are bright at different things) and because of this difference in the way that people are treated there can not be a meritocracy as not everyone is treated the same and as teachers are considered as a significant other in the way we establish ourselves if they view us as not bright we will consider ourselves not bright. Social democrats look at class and attainment. Hasley (1960s) criticised the education system for wasting talent this is because streaming exists as if you are good at a particular subject but are placed in a lowest because you are not good at national curriculum subjects your talent at that subject is wasted because it may lead the child to think that they are not good at that subject so give up which wastes their talent and because of this equality of opportunity is not provided so therefore a system of meritocracy cant exist. The social democratic political time brought into play the comprehensive system as a way to try and make a meritocracy but they do not believe that it exists. The social democratic view is that of Gordon Brown and the Labour Party they believe in helping people to do well and not wasting talent but many social democrats believe this is not yet happening. Feminists believe that gender differences mean that the education system cannot be meritocratic because for good or for bad there are gender differences in attainment and because of such obvious differences they see that their cant be fairness. In the beginning of education girls werent doing as good as boys were and liberal feminists focused on law change and change in social attitudes to make the system and results more equal and stop gender stereotyped lessons being taught. Although after the introduction of the national curriculum girls tended to do better and this is put down to feminisation of the workplace and because there is still a difference between the sexes so there cant be a meritocracy while there are such obvious differences. These differences are proved by the results which are achieved by students each year at GCSE and A-Level data retrieved by DfES and UCAS found that there are 10% more girls achieving five or more A* to C grades and 8% more girls achieving A-B grades at A-Level and because of this factor there are 8% more girls being accepted into university degree courses. There are many different types of feminist though the main theme is gender difference and how this can not equate a meritocracy and although black feminists speak about ethnicity playing a role and Marxist feminists talk about economic factors playing a part in gender difference feminism as a whole accepts that because these differences exist there cant be fairness and therefore there cant be a meritocracy. Sylvia Walby (1999) who is a post-modernist feminist found that equality could not occur in the education system today when she spoke about her triple systems theory in which equality will only occur when we take into consideration the triple impact of sex. Class and race on a persons life experiences and because these things can either act as advantages or disadvantages to a persons education their cant be a meritocracy which is based on all people being the same and doing well due to their own personal attempts. Heaton and Lawson also argue that even within the hidden curriculum there is a system of inequality which operates in 5 ways: books and text books were women are displayed as dependant on men and absent from science text books, female students being made to feel uncomfortable in certain subjects (e. g. woodwork which is considered a male profession), teachers who label and assign girls and boys different tasks such as asking boys to move furniture and girls to wash up, a patriarchal curriculum where boys are more recognised than girls in subjects such as PE, and lack of positive role models. This however at the time was applied to girls failing but can also be attributed to the system not being meritocratic as the encouragement of working class boys into wood work which would not necessarily be put to middle class boys sees the myth of meritocracy in place as they are not treated (boys and girls as well as working and middle class) the same. Post modern is a period of time which occurs after the 1970s the period between the industrial revolution and 1970 is known as the modern where things were new and things were changing the time which we live in now is after the modern so is known as the post modern society. Post modernist sociologists view society as diverse and they believe this is represented in the educational system with the array of qualifications such as BTEC, Diploma and Vocational as well as GCSEs and A-Levels. They talk about society in terms of a grand narrative this is that religion and science are nothing but a big story and because knowledge that we have is a story then teachers are story tellers and as narrative changes over time teachers can never really prepare you for life this proves according to them that a meritocratic education system can not exist as it is designed to sift and sort people into their roles in society and if society is always changing the education system is pointless as what job school prepares you to take may not exist. Moore and Hickox (1994) argue that because our world changes so much so quickly it is impossible to provide a national curriculum that fully prepares people for the world they will live in this is further support that sifting and sorting cant take place because jobs can exist one moment and not the next which means that the meritocratic system cant put the brightest at the top as the top is continuously changing. The New Right are a political v iew like the social democrats but they criticises the system in a different way. The New Right claim that schools and the whole educational system are too soft and easy as children are not encouraged to be independent and this is mostly due to the welfare state which is the introduction of free schooling, free healthcare, pensions and sick pay and this has made a dependant society which has a lack of responsibility and because of this new culture of dependency there has to be a lot of money spent by the government to keep society running. This is a very right wing view as they believe schools should be run like a business and increase competition between schools with the introduction of league tables and different types of school. This view is associated with the conservative party in government which initially between 1979 and 1997 was run by Margaret Thatcher but is now run by David Cameron. The view that the education system seems to be out weighed by the evidence against its existence however, it must be accepted that there are more working class people in university than in the fifties when people did what their parents did and this means that a meritocracy where people can move up and down the social ladder must exist as if it did not then their would be no working class kids in universities. However Marxists hold the view that because there is such a small number of working class people in university that they are just there in order to make meritocracy seem as though it exists and legitimise the myth. Interactionalists also hold the view that meritocracy doesnt exist and talk about labelling which matches in with the Marxist view put forward by Labov and Bernstein when they spoke about speech codes and interactionalists talk about the significance of when teachers pick this up. Feminists talk about gender differences which play a role in how well males and females do in education. Political views such as the social democratic and new right also hold the view that meritocracy doesnt exist because the system wastes talent or is wasteful of resources. Post modernists talk about how a meritocracy to make everyone equal cant exist because of the vast differences in society. When weighed up meritocracy appears to be a myth made in order to make society function well and for continuation of the classes as middle class people cant move down as they will inherit money from their parents so that means working class children need to go on and become working class adults. Although this concluding view is a very Marxist one it must be accepted that different schools of thought also have an input in the conclusion post modernism in particular as it sets out how different society is this means that there cant be a way to make everyone equal in order to have a meritocracy as things such as cultural capital advantage the middle class however, not all teachers are middle class which must be accepted but even despite this fact there is still the element of material deprivation which leaves the working class at a disadvantage because they cant afford the same things as the higher classes such as tutors. The education system therefore is not and can not be meritocratic as it meritocracy is influenced by many other factors.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Advertisement And How It Appeals To Men, Women, And Society
Advertisement and how it appeals to men, women, and society Companies use advertisements try to entice people buy their merchandise. When people see ads whether itââ¬â¢s in a magazine, on television or anywhere else, society gets the need to go out and buy it. Is it to hard for us to resist the temptation of having something new. There is no reason why we have to have it. A person sees it and wants to go buy it and as soon as someone does here comes something new that we want. Advertisers target consumers by creating illusions and desires in which people help them because they have brand loyalty. Also America as a society create false identities about ourselves which in the long run the need for all these things create credit debt and problems for us. Sports Illustrated itââ¬â¢s audiences identities by having ads in there that gives itââ¬â¢s readers a false impression that the things in there will increase there athletic performance. Advertisers can use whatever they can to sell the goods that they have and will try to sell it in any way they can and where ever they can. Sex is one example of how advertisers sell their goods. Sex can sell anything from clothes, underwear, cigarettes, and more in any way shape or form. For example, in Sports illustrated they have and ad that has a nice looking girl holding a twix candy bar. There is a reason that they put that girl in that ad because the advertisers know that the majority of people reading the magazine is male. Advertisers know that they can get a man to look at that picture or ad if they put a good looking girl in it. These ads only do one thing and that is create a desire and illusion that we can have or be like the person in the ad if we have what the ad is trying to sell. The desire that it creates is the one that is popular and we have to get it for us to be popular with our peers and that we have to have the best available that is out there. The illusi on that it creates ... Free Essays on Advertisement And How It Appeals To Men, Women, And Society Free Essays on Advertisement And How It Appeals To Men, Women, And Society Advertisement and how it appeals to men, women, and society Companies use advertisements try to entice people buy their merchandise. When people see ads whether itââ¬â¢s in a magazine, on television or anywhere else, society gets the need to go out and buy it. Is it to hard for us to resist the temptation of having something new. There is no reason why we have to have it. A person sees it and wants to go buy it and as soon as someone does here comes something new that we want. Advertisers target consumers by creating illusions and desires in which people help them because they have brand loyalty. Also America as a society create false identities about ourselves which in the long run the need for all these things create credit debt and problems for us. Sports Illustrated itââ¬â¢s audiences identities by having ads in there that gives itââ¬â¢s readers a false impression that the things in there will increase there athletic performance. Advertisers can use whatever they can to sell the goods that they have and will try to sell it in any way they can and where ever they can. Sex is one example of how advertisers sell their goods. Sex can sell anything from clothes, underwear, cigarettes, and more in any way shape or form. For example, in Sports illustrated they have and ad that has a nice looking girl holding a twix candy bar. There is a reason that they put that girl in that ad because the advertisers know that the majority of people reading the magazine is male. Advertisers know that they can get a man to look at that picture or ad if they put a good looking girl in it. These ads only do one thing and that is create a desire and illusion that we can have or be like the person in the ad if we have what the ad is trying to sell. The desire that it creates is the one that is popular and we have to get it for us to be popular with our peers and that we have to have the best available that is out there. The illusi on that it creates ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Answer the questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Answer the questions - Assignment Example The U.S. commercial airports obtain their revenue largely through selling their tickets to their customers. It includes offering air transport both within and without USA. Profits are generated when their revenues exceed their costs. Commercial aircraft operators are solely licensed to offer certificates that allow an airport to charge their customers for their flight services. They obtain their revenues from fees charged for these certificates. If costs are lower than fees, they then make profits. The Transportation Security Administration is an agency that has got authority over security issues of the travelling public while Federal Aviation Administration is an authority in the US national aviation concerned with overseeing and regulating all aspects of the American civil aviation. 7. The major U.S. commercial aircraft operators must adopt a specific TSA security program that requires the aircraft operator to designate certain security positions within their company. What is the name of the security program and what specific security positions does it require the aircraft operator to have? ( 3 points) The name of the program is the Twelve-Five Standard Security Program (TFSSP) that established security requirements and measures for aircraft operators. Security Coordinator together with TFSSP provides security of property and passengers travelling on flights. This is with the aid of the Twelve-Five aircraft operator. 8. The primary U.S. airport operators must adopt a TSA security program that requires the airport operator to designate a security position within their airport organization. What is the name of the security program and what specific security position does it require the airport operator to have? Its name is Secure Flight Program. It requires an operator to have a passengerââ¬â¢s details (full name, date of birth, redress number, gender and known traveller number). Redress is for those customers who feel that they have been mishandled;
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Personal Identity Theft Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Personal Identity Theft - Dissertation Example In defining this terminology, Blair (2011) identifies three steps undertaken by such criminals: trying to obtain another personââ¬â¢s information, trying to misuse the obtained information and finally, executing the crime with the intention of victimising the target. Recovery from this crime could be frustrating, expensive and time consuming for the victim. The objective of paper is to come up with a sensitization framework of educating the public on identity theft and to establish ways of preventing the crime. To achieve this, this paper will give a background of the crime, articulating the forms in which it could be executed. Determining the prevalence of the crime would be important in forming the basis of discussion on prevention measures and the public awareness. Guided by the findings from the secondary sources, the review will finally recommend effective public education strategies. The paper is divided into two sections. The first section focuses on the previously publishe d papers that have discussed the identity theft background and history. Various forms of identity theft including physical forms and technology-based forms will be discussed in this section. In the second section, the paper seeks to develop a sensitization program that would appropriate in enabling the society to deal with the cyber crimes in the most effective way. PART 1: LITERATURE REVIEW Early approaches to identity theft Despite the newness of the name identity theft, the phenomenon is old with the early forms adopting the simple forms of impersonation. Impersonation refers to the imitation of another person so as to defraud others, usually for personal gains (Hoffman & McGinley 2010). The early imposters imitated... Despite the newness of the name identity theft, the phenomenon is old with the early forms adopting the simple forms of impersonation. Impersonation refers to the imitation of another person so as to defraud others, usually for personal gains (Hoffman & McGinley 2010). The early imposters imitated the talking, dressing and behaviour of others, which with time became ineffective as other more effective personal identification theft forms emerged. Stolen, fictitious and forged identification documents together with financial account information catalysed identity theft. Today, technology has transformed the usage, collection and storage of personal information making identity theft a more complex crime. Hoffman and McGinley (2010) cite the Biblical story of Jacob who masqueraded as Esau so as to receive his fatherââ¬â¢s blessings as among the early forms of identity theft. This was propagated by Rebecca, the mother, who was determined to ensure that her son Jacob and not Esau receiv es her husbandââ¬â¢s blessings. With the fatherââ¬â¢s poor visibility due to old age, Esauââ¬â¢s dressing was used to disguise his smell and application of goatskin to fool the touch of the hairy Esau. In the Middle Ages, the 1450 Cadeââ¬â¢s rebellion gives a story of John Aylmer who changed his name several times, organised a rebel army, all in an attempt to overthrow the England King Henry VI (Hoffman & McGinley 2010). Despite his failure, John has been widely considered as an opportunist motivated by the desire for personal glorification.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
My Light and Shadows Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
My Light and Shadows - Essay Example have blamed the existence of unethical practices in the global market place to the fact that there are no universal standards for doing business because standards and ethics vary from place to place (Balkundi and Harrison, 2006). This paper therefore discusses the place of biblical principles for businesses and tries to find the place of these biblical principles in becoming universal standards for doing business. Comparing the guidelines offered by Caux Round Table and Whiteââ¬â¢s Biblical principles, there are some similarities and differences that can be realized, especially using the logic variables presented in the two contexts such as purpose, questions posed, inferences, and conclusions made by the two writers. For example, it can be realized that in both contexts, there is a realization of a higher force and a smaller force. In the instance of the Caux Round Table, the employee is the smaller force who is bounded by the interests of the employer, stakeholders, the market, and the business environment. For the employee to gain favor in the sight of the higher force, there are key principles that must be followed in relation to these higher forces (CRT, 2010). In terms of Whiteââ¬â¢s Biblical principles, similar scenarios are created between worshippers and deities. Regardless of this similarity, there are key differences that are noticed. In terms of implications that the two wri ters create, we read about Caux, focusing on the need for the business oriented person to follow specific ethics for the purpose of achieving business growth and a conclusion that brings about self gratification. In contrast to what is implied by Whiteââ¬â¢s Biblical principles, the follower of rules and ethics is expected to do so not specifically for any personal gratification purposes but as a way of pleasing the maker and achieving a reward that is not of the present world but the world that is yet to come. Relating Whiteââ¬â¢s five principles to that of Caux Round Table, there are
Friday, November 15, 2019
Design A 1 Bit Serial Adder Computer Science Essay
Design A 1 Bit Serial Adder Computer Science Essay The main aim of this project is to design a 1-bit serial adder, simulate its functionality and obtain a layout on silicon, using the 0.35à µ process from AMS. The circuit designed shows a working serial adder clocking at (100MHz of nsecs) with a delay of 0.56910nsec. The area of the layout is 99.3016.35 à µm2 in this technology. The circuit performs an 8-bit addition in 0.569108 nsesc. The circuit uses a standard 1-bit full adder and it has a feedback loop using a D-flip-flop in order to transmit the carry bit to the next input value. The final layout product has 3-input pads and 2-output pads, with power and ground pads. The process known as serial addition of binary numbers is well known in the computing and units capable of performing such serial binary addition ordinarily comprise a basic portion of more complex computation devices. In the past, such serial adders for binary numbers have employed vacuum tube circuitry for the most part and have accordingly been subject to the disadvantages that they are relatively in large size, fragile in configuration and are subject to operating failures. These factors raise serious questions of disposition of components and problems of maintenance. The present invention serves to obviate the foregoing difficulties and in essence provides a serial adder structure capable of performing full addition of binary numbers. It is accordingly an object of the present invention to provide an improved serial adder for use in computing applications. An object of the present invention resides in the provision of an improved serial adder for binary digital applications employing magnetic amplifiers as components thereof. Another object of the present invention is the provision of the serial adder for binary numbers which adders can be made in relatively smaller sizes. A still further object of the present invention resides in the provision of a computation device comprising, in combination, a plurality of magnetic amplifiers and a plurality of gating devices so interconnected with one another that the mathematical process known as a serial bit addition. The binary adder of the present invention includes provision for selective coupling the input train pulses to be added as well as carry pulses produced by the device itself to the plurality of gates, and the gates are adapted by themselves to selectively pass signal pulses required for the operation or inhibition of the plurality of magnetic amplifiers mentioned above. In digital s ystems, digital signal processing and control systems we can control it when we are able to count. Addition is the fundamental operation for all these systems. The fastness and accuracy are highly influenced by the adders we are use for the circuit design. Adders are very important components in the digital components because of their extensive use in digital operations such as multiplication, subtraction and division. The execution of binary operations inside a circuit would be greatly advanced by improving the performance of the digital adders. The main aim of designing the bit serial adder is to Perform one bit at a time, using the first bit operation results to influence the processing of subsequent bits. It reduces the amount of hardware required as it passes all the bits in the same logic. However this approach needs 1/nth part of hardware when compared to the n-bit parallel adders. As we are using 1-bit instead of n-bits its structure reduces the signal routing and performs at high speed as we are using 1bit register for the temporary storage and one full adder rather than an n-bit adder. The reduction in the price of the logic results in taking n clock cycles to execute this serial hardware, whereas parallel hardware executes in one clock cycle. This bit structure deals with the bit stream hence this have been successfully used in many applications like digital systems, digital signal processing, control systems etc. It was extremely popular in 2-5u technology range. The performance of a digital circuit block is gauged by analysing its power dissipation, layout area and its operating speed. The main aim of this project is to design a 1-bit serial adder. Through this project research we get the knowledge of working behaviour and performance of the 1-bit serial adder. Adders are the basic components for the designing of any digital circuit. Adders are very important components in the digital components because of their extensive use in digital operations such as multiplication, subtraction and division. The execution of binary operations inside a circuit would be greatly advanced by improving the performance of the digital adders. The main aim of designing the bit serial adder is to perform one bit at a time, using the first bit operation results to influence the processing of subsequent bits. Here in this case the one bit serial adder is designed by using a flip-flop and full adder. . This circuit has two stages full adder stage for the addition of two bits that are entered serially and second stage is flip-flop stage which temporarily stores the carry until the next stage is processed. The temporary storage of the carry in the flip-flop depends on the clock pulse. Its design principle shows how the two inputs entered serially. These two inputs will be added by the full adder along with the carry which was temporarily stored by the flip-flop and gives us the sum output and carry output. The normal 1-bit serial adder uses the XOR gates from the available core library. But in this XOR gate there is an OR gate which usually reduces the performance of the XOR gate. Hence the circuit has been modified by designing the XOR gate by using the NAND gates. What we would like to do now is find the easy way to use the sub tractor along with the serial adder circuit. By using this sub tractor we can subtract the lower bit value from higher value. This binary sub tractor has been added to one of the input which we are thinking to subtract the value. In our serial adder circuit the sub tractor is attached to the one of the inputs Y which is usually a XOR gate. This results in the subtraction of Y value from higher bit values. BACKGROUND 2.1 Addition: Addition is a process of adding bits. Binary addition means adding binary bits 0s and 1s and sum and carry generated in binary farm in any signal processing. Now lets consider the 4-bit addition example, As shown above A and B bits added giving Sum out by rippling the carry at each stage and C4 as final carry obtained. 2.2 Subtraction: Subtraction is a process of adding a positive bit to the negative bit. Negative of a bit means 2s compliment of it. This is nothing but adding 1 bit to LSB of its 1s compliment. 1s compliment is nothing but reversing the logic of the bits. Now lets consider the 4-bit subtraction example, The above subtraction technique dedicated to the subtracting a smaller binary from a larger binary. If it changes it just followed by few more steps as change sign bit (MSB) to zero, then change it to its 2s compliment as before process. Metal-Oxide-Silicon Field-Effect transistors (Mosfets) NMOS Transistor Here is a diagram of nmos transistor The source and drain are connected to the two blobs of n-type semiconductor material. The gate is on top, separated (and electrically insulated) from the rest of the transistor by a thin layer of silicon dioxide (same material as sand doesnt conduct at all). The source and drain are separated by p-type material. This forms two diodes pointed in opposite directions (when you have n-type next to p-type material, you get a diode), so no current can flow between the source and drain. When a high voltage (higher than the voltage level of the source, which is defined as the lower voltage of the two end terminals) is applied to the gate, it puts a positive charge on the gate. This attracts a negative charge in the region underneath the gate (opposite charges attract), forming a channel of negative charge carriers or an n-channel between the source and drain, which allows current to flow. So the nMOS transistor conducts when the gate is raised to the high voltage level, which we consider to be the logic level for 1 (true). PMOS TRANSISTOR The pMOS transistor is the dual of the nMOS transistor. You can look at the same diagram, but swap every n and p, and every + and -. Now, when the voltage at the gate is lower than the source (the higher voltage of the two end terminals for a pMOS transistor), we end up with a negative charge on the gate, which induces a positive channel underneath the gate, which allows current to flow. So the pMOS transistor conducts when the gate voltage is low, which we consider to be the logic level for 0 (false). The full names of what is being described are enhancement mode n-channel or p-channel metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFET). Enhancement mode refers to the fact that we have to create the channel by applying voltage to the gate. (There are also depletion mode transistors that have a channel built in to start with.) Field effect refers to the fact that were using the electric field from the charge at the gate to control things. Metal-oxide semiconductor refers to the fact that were using an oxide to insulate the gate from the rest of the transistor. The two types of transistors are named for the channel: nMOS has an n-channel; pMOS has a p-channel. Cmos There are many ways to make logic gates (not to be confused with the gate of the transistor) out of transistors. What Im showing here is the dominant way that gates are done in digital electronics today, but there are many variations out there. This is called static CMOS logic. Static refers to the fact that there are not clocks involved. CMOS stands for complementary metal-oxide semiconductor. The complementary means we have both nMOS and pMOS transistors. The intuition behind this design style is simple. First, you dont want to have nMOS and pMOS transistors mixed up close to each other, because they need to be created on different types of substrate. So the natural style is to have a bunch of nMOS transistors together that pull the output one way for certain input values, and a bunch of pMOS transistors together that pull the output the other direction for the other input values. It turns out to work better to have the nMOS transistors pull down toward logic 0 and the pMOS transistors pull up toward logic 1. This is both for electrical reasons (nMOS conducts 0 better; pMOS conducts 1 better) and also to make it easy to get inverting gates. The following diagram showing how to make an inverter (a NOT gate): Such that we developed CMOS Technology by combination of Pull-up network of PMOS Transistors and Pull-down network of NMOS Transistors. All the CMOS gates are constructed using as shown below. CMOS Constructed by, PMOS transistors in Pull-up network stage and NMOS transistors in Pull-down network stage. OUTPUT going 1->0 à The Pull-down NMOS transistors discharges the output capacitance. OUTPUT going 0->1 The output capacitance is charged through Pull-up PMOS transistors. MOSFETs transition states in CMOS Transistor: CMOS logic is better logic than PMOS and NMOS implementations individually. Because PMOS transistors are great at transmitting a logic 0 to1 voltage without signal loss, NMOS transistors are great at transmitting a logic 1 to 0 voltage. 4.2 NAND GATE: Constructed by, As shown below PMOS transistors in parallel and NMOS transistors in series. OUTPUT going 1->0 à The series NMOS transistors discharges the output capacitance. OUTPUT going 0->1 The output capacitance is charged through parallel PMOS transistors. Circuit diagram of NAND Gate: Logic symbol of NAND Gate: Truth table of NAND Gate: A B OUTPUT 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 4.3 NOR GATE: Constructed by, As shown NMOS transistors in parallel and PMOS transistors in series. OUTPUT going 1->0 The parallel NMOS transistors discharges the output capacitance. OUTPUT going 0->1 The output capacitance is charged through series PMOS transistors. Circuit diagram of NOR Gate: Logic symbol of NOR Gate: Truth table of NOR Gate: XOR GATE: XOR is also called Exclusive OR gate or EOR gate. This is a digital logic gate, which is used to express the function of Exclusive Disjunction. Its behavior is similar to or gate with exclusive condition. Usually it is a 2-1 input output IC respectively. An output HIGH (1) will be resulted if one, and only one of its 2 inputs is HIGH (1). Result of output LOW (0) both the inputs should be same either low or high. We can say EX-OR gate as One or another, but not both. XOR gate is used to develop a binary addition. It gives the sum for given input bits. As shown above xor of 2 bits A and B gives its sum. A xor B = A.B + A.B Circuit diagram of xor gate: BASIC ADDER UNIT Addition of two binary numbers is the most basic arithmetic operation i.e. two bits. A combinational circuit which can add only two bits is known as half adder. A full adder is one that adds more than two bits i.e. three bits. Full adder uses two adders in its implementation. In this study full adder is the basic addition employed in all adders. HALF ADDER Half is a basic adder circuit that can perform addition of two bits and gives the output of sum and carry. Half adder circuit uses an Exclusive-OR and AND gates for sum and carry outputs. XOR gate gives the sum output and carry output is given by the AND gate. X and Y are inputs S is sum and C0 is carry. S = X.Y + X.Y = X Ãââ⬠¦ Y C = X.YIts schematic representation is as shown in the figure. The truth table of half adder is as shown below. X Y SUM C0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 K-MAPPING of half adder circuit is given as shown below. Sum, S = X Ãââ⬠¦ Y Carry, C0 = X.Y FULL-ADDER Full adder can be formed by combining two half-adder circuits followed by the OR gate. It can perform the addition of three bits along with the carry input given as output from the previous one. The difference between half adder and full adder is that half adder cannot count more than two bits and cannot add the carry input which will be possible in full adder circuit. In this circuit, sum output is given by the XOR gate and the carry output is given by the AND gate followed by the OR gate. The block diagram of full adder circuit is as shown below. FULLADDER Sum S = X Ãââ⬠¦ Y Ãââ⬠¦ CI = (X Ãââ⬠¦ Y) Ãââ⬠¦ CI Carry C0 = (X .Y) + (X Ãââ⬠¦ Y).CI As shown in the above figure X, Y and CI are the adder inputs. The truth table of the above circuit is as shown below. X Y CI SUM C0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 By using K-mapping we will get SUM and CARRY as follows Sum S, Carry c0, D FLIP FLOP D- Flip flop is used in many applications. RS flip flop is the fundamental building block for the D- flip flop. It has only one data input. That is connected to the input S of RS flip flop where as D is inversely connected to the R input.. D- Flip flop is also having second input for holding the data which is known as Enable, simply represented as EN. The enable input is AND-ed with the D- Flip flop. D- Flip flop holds the data according to the clock pulse. It is constructed by using AND gates and NOR gates as shown in the below figure. D and EN are the inputs and Q and Q are outputs. The block diagram of the D-flip flop is as shown below. D- Flip flop acts as temporary data storage in the 1- bit serial adder. Its storage capacity depends on the number of stages. The storage capacity of the D- flip flop in this serial adder is the total number bits (0 and 1) of digital data it can retain. Its truth table is a shown below. D EN Q QN 0 Falling edge 0 X 0 Rising edge 0 1 1 Falling edge Qprev X 1 Rising edge 1 0 . The wave forms are attached in the results. CHAPTER 2 SERIAL ADDER The process known as serial addition of binary numbers is well known in the digital and units capable of performing such serial binary addition ordinarily comprise a basic portion of more complex computation devices. In the past, such serial adders for binary numbers have employed vacuum tube circuitry for the most part and have accordingly been subject to the disadvantages that they are relatively in large size, fragile in configuration and are subject to operating failures. These factors raise serious questions of disposition of components and problems of maintenance. The present invention serves to obviate the foregoing difficulties and in essence provides a serial adder structure capable of performing full addition of binary numbers. It is accordingly an object of the present invention to provide an improved serial adder for use in digital systems. The main aim of designing the bit serial adder is to perform one bit at a time, using the first bit operation results to influence the processing of subsequent bits. Here in this case the one bit serial adder is designed by using a D-flip flop and full adder. . This circuit has two stages full adder stage for the addition of two bits that are entered serially and second stage is D-flip flop stage which temporarily stores the carry until the next stage is processed. The temporary storage of the carry in the D-flip flop depends on the clock pulse. Its design principle shows how the two inputs entered serially. These two inputs will be added by the full adder along with the carry which was temporarily stored by the flip-flop and gives us the sum output and carry output. This is a practical serial adder that is used to add a stream of two bits addition. First it takes the Least Significant Bits (LSB) in addition. Its block diagram is as shown in the figure. As shown in the above figure the inputs Xi and Yi are serially entered into the full adder along with the temporary carry from the D-flip flop i.e. Ci and gives the carry output Ci+1 and sum output Si. Hence serial adder is simple and because of feedback looping bit delays are expected. It can be constructed with very low cost and it is the perfect adder at low speed operations. Si = Ci Ãââ⬠¦ Yi Ãââ⬠¦ Xi Ci + 1 = Yi . Ci + Xi . Ci + Xi . Yi = Ci . (Xi Ãââ⬠¦ Yi) + Xi . Yi The above equations represent the Sum and Carry outputs using Boolean equations. The construction of 1-bit serial adder is as shown in the figure. As shown in the figure the inputs X and Y are serially entered through the full adder along with the carry input which was the feedback output of full adder. In this circuit, sum output is given by the XOR gate and the carry output is given by the AND gate followed by the OR gate. D- Flip flop used in this circuit acts as a temporary storage of carry. TRUTH TABLE X Y C00 S CO 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 This entire design process and simulation can be done by using the mentor graphics version 2005 software. Chapter 3 Nand gate design of serial adder: 4.4 NAND gate is BETTER THAN NOR. As PMOS in parallel and NMOS in series the resultant transition delay at NAND gate is lesser than delay of NOR gate architecture. To make PMOS as fast as NMOS we need enlarge channel and P-regions, but that leads to large silicon layout, and more cost and power wastage. So At same speed NOR is always larger than NAND. So it makes NAND more efficient than NOR. W/L ratio of NAND gate is smaller than NOR gate. If inputs for gates are more then, NAND will be very faster than NOR. So we use sop implementation rather than pos. XOR GATE USING NAND GATES In PMOS holes flow very slowly when compared to the electrons in the NMOS technology. Hence NMOS is faster than PMOS transistor. In NOR gate PMOS transistors are connected in series and in NAND gate PMOS transistors are connected in parallel hence NAND gate is faster than the NOR gate. Now considering another case to make this one bit serial adder little bit faster compared to the normal one bit serial adder the XOR gate is constructed by using the NAND gates which works faster than the normal XOR gate. The reason for constructing this XOR gate is that in the core library we are using to design the entire circuit XOR gate internally contains an OR gate which usually reduces the performance of XOR gate. Its circuit diagram is as follows. X Y OUT 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0Its truth table is as shown below. D- Flip Flop using nand gates: D Flip-Flop is the most popular Flip-Flop. As its output takes the value of data ( D ) input when the positive edge of clock pulse. D Flip-flop can be interpreted as a primitive memory cell. D Flip-flops are basically used as Shift registers. As a D Flip-flop can produce a output signal with a time period delay of given clock pulse for an input signal i.e., one bit shifted right to the input given signal. The principle of D flip-flop is it captures the signal at the moment the clock goes high, and subsequent changes of the data lines do not influence Q until the rise of next clock edge. thus it works as a edge triggering mode at clock signal rising. D Flip-flop is constructed using NAND gates as shown above, where D and CLOCK are the inputs and Q and QN are the out puts. X Y C00 S CO 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 CHAPTER 3 SUBSTRACTOR Up to now we have seen how simple logic gates perform binary addition. It is only logical to assume that the same circuit can also perform the binary subtraction. If we look at the possibilities involved in subtracting one bit number from another, we can quickly see that three of the four possible combinations are easy and straight forward. The fourth one involves a bit more. 0 0 = 0 1 0 = 1 1 1 = 0 0 1 = 1, with a borrow bit. That borrow bit is just like a borrow in decimal subtraction: it subtracts from the next higher order of magnitude in the overall number. The truth table of this sub tractor circuit looks like as shown below. This is an interesting result. The difference, X-Y, is still an exclusive-OR function, just as the sum for addition. The borrow is still an AND function, but is XY instead of XY. Adder/Subtractor logic developed using NAND gate (lower from higher): Addition is adding positive two bits. Subtraction is nothing but an addition where we add one positive bit to another negative bit. That means the second bit will be the positive number with negative polarity. We can convert positive binary to negative binary by its 2s compliment. 2s compliment is nothing but adding 1 bit to the LSB side of 1s compliment. 1s compliment is in any binary code if we swap bits by 1 bit with 0 bit and 0 bit with 1 bit. That is flip the binary code image. 1s compliment can be generated using XOR logic. when we give one pin of XOR gate dedicated to positive as logic 1, and other pin connected to the input binary bit, then output of EXOR will be swapped by 1s with 0s and 0s with 1s. At the same time other advantage is if the dedicated input pin is given logic, then out put will be same as input binary code. Such that in that whole circuit by changing selective pin as 0 logic it works as adder and by changing selective pin as 1 logic it works as subtractors 1s compliment input. Let we consider A + B it is a simple addition, For A B = A + (- B) = A + (B 1s compliment + 1) = A + B 1s compliment + 1 As shown above to find A B we give the full adder inputs as a to A, b to B 1s compliment and finally c in as positive logic 1. Thus adding 2 bits of A And B in this way we get A- B. Above developed subtractor circuit subtracts lower value bit from higher value bit so in 0-1 condition its not valid. ADDER TRUTH TABLE WHEN EN =0 EN X Y C00 S CO 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 SUBSTRACTOR TRUTH TABLE WHEN EN =1 EN X Y C00 S CO 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 X X 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 IMPLEMENTATION The entire process of designing and layout of the 1-bit serial adder circuit is done by using the mentor graphics version 2005. The required logic gates and flip flop has been taken from the core library. Once taking all the required components from the core library wiring has been done again using the core library. One wiring has been done the sheet has been saved and done the schematic check. Once the schematic check has been done successfully then the view point has been created. Once view point has been done successfully the circuit has been run for simulation. After having done the simulation successfully the output waveforms has been checked. This output waveforms results the working of the entire circuit design. Once we got the outputs exactly what we are looking for we then go for layout design. This layout design is also done by using the core library which is known as silicon layout. After finishing the layout we will check the overflow of the IC which we will get at the en d of the process. Conclusion: In the project of One Bit Serial Adder we obtained the knowledge about the functionality of adders and developed a fast adder using NAND gate Logic. We even obtain the knowledge about CMOS technology and functionality of IC Gates. As we developed using NAND gate logic implementation the architecture of IC will be much faster and efficient. From the obtained results of Serial adder waveforms and IC design by comparing the theoretical and practical values are verified each other. Such that I can conclude the developed ICs are well functioning in any application era with a delay of 0.5921ns. Finally I concluded that a 1-bit Serial adder is developed in Conventional, NAND gate architecture and Adder/Subtractor architectures IC design and layout of IC design obtained and verified without errors. Functional and Electric Characteristics studied similar to CMOS technology as they developed.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Royal Foolishness in King Lear Essay -- King Lear Essays
The presentation of persistent incompetence of the elite class would seem unlikely in a Shakespearean tragedy. Yes, it in turn led to the expected downfall of almost all principle characters, but there seems to be another element of the play of King Lear ââ¬â shameful ridicule. The repetition of dishonesty, superficiality, and blatant ignorance serves as an overwhelming theme of the dysfunction of nobility. Indeed, one of the main aspects of King Lear is the representation of royaltyââ¬â¢s foolishness. A clear example of the naiveness of the nobility is Reganââ¬â¢s hunger for power and wealth at an extent where she demonstrates little respect towards her own father ââ¬â also her beneficiary. She insults his age and rudely implies that he no longer deserves the status of king and should pass it on to someone more capable. Ironically, she has the least potential for being an adequate ruler, ââ¬Å"O sir, you are oldâ⬠¦ You should be ruled and led by some discretion that discerns your state better than yourselfâ⬠(II.iv.165-169). Her shameless remark touches upon Learââ¬â¢s own flaws, his d...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Race in America Essay
The racial issues have become less significant in todayââ¬â¢s society than in earlier days among the American people. In todayââ¬â¢s society, many improved racial equality measures have been taken in order to ensure that the people of the United States are treated as if in one social group. Although many actions have been done to improve the equality of the people of America, racial issues still exists. Race in my opinion is the perception that an individual have towards any social group and can see differences from a visual aspect. Even though racial profiling, in the earlier days were a top issue in America, it is dying out and is replaced with the equal standards of todayââ¬â¢s society. When people come in to contact with one another they tend notice differences they see in one another. These differences can be attributed to the genotype and phenotype variation between people. It tends to not be biologically significant to divide humans in to racial groups it is more of a social concept. The various characteristics such as skin color, shape of face, hair and eye color, nose shape and hair form are used in categorizing people in to specific races. Race is a powerful social concept that affects many aspects of our culture now and in our history. In the past you would see much more endogamy due to breeding isolates. But now with more social acceptance and modern transportation we are seeing much more exogamy. This in turn has widened the gene pool and allowed much more genetic variation. With these changes come less of a chance and or preference for inbreeding like we have seen in our history. Inbreeding tends to increase the chances for the offspring to have genetic disorders there for is harmful to the population. The problem with this social categorization system it tends to lead to certain races believing their traits are more favorable. Once it is believed that one race is better than other that type of thinking leads some to believe in biological determinism. Many wars have been found over the years because a group of people thought they were superior to another. Completely stupid concept but some simply cannot see beyond it. A prime example of this is the eugenics that was being practiced by Hitler. He convinced and or scared an entire nation in to persecuting the Jewish people of Germany. He believed that he was improving the Aryan race by his horrific actions. Which to be honest has always confused me. A man wanting to rid the world of dark haired non Aryan looking people, yet he himself did not fit in to his own category. It seems to me that concentrating on our differences only opens the door to dividing us. We must learn from the past and look toward bettering the future, for all of our sakes.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Pride and Prejudice Marriage Essays
Pride and Prejudice Marriage Essays Pride and Prejudice Marriage Essay Pride and Prejudice Marriage Essay Essay Topic: Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen wrote the well-known novel entitled Pride and Prejudice, which deals with the themes of reputation, love, class and of course pride and prejudice. However the main subject is marriage In a greedy society, where sometimes it only meant to just climb the social ladder. The novel shows its difficulties to be faced by any eligible female in pursuit ot a husband. It not married it could have been frowned upon and lane Austen used the relationships of the characters to accurately show the readers the convention of marriage. It is a truth universally acknowledged. the single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in a want of a wife (page 5) The very first sentence of Pride and Prejudice highlights the absolute importance of marriage in the early century. The sentence expresses the purpose for marriage, as it dealt nothing with love It was strictly to increase the characters social and financial status. Rather it provoked the feelings in the minds of the readers that the purpose of marriage was to create security for them finding a suitable marriage mate for the emale characters became the sole focus of their lives. Through Jane Austens writings the relationships between Wickham, Lydia, Mr and Mrs Bennet and Jane and Darcy, showed examples of the different types of marriages that you could still find today. The worst of these marriages is of course of Lydia and Wickham. Austen uses this relationship to show the outcome of relationships when it was based on youthful ignorance and physical attraction. Lydia is naive and attractive, where she is completely oblivious on how Wickham really feels about her. This type of marriage you can already see the outcome, with the help of Austens writing, without stating that Wickham isnt the loyal husband that Lydia believes he is. Neither character felt true love for one another and as a result both characters will appear somewhat miserable in their married life in the future. The marriage between Mr and Mrs Bennet show the example of Insanity, which can erupt between two people that have been wed for the incorrect reasons. Mr Bennet has a very witty sense of humor and often teases his wife. This is the only enjoyment e gains trom Mrs Bennet Mr Bennet marries, on what Austen beliefs to be, false grounds. Mr Bennet decision on marrying Mrs Bennet was seduced by her good looks and youth and this effect of this Is that Mr Benner isolates himself from his family finding refuge through mocking his oblivious wife. This becomes his only happiness. Finally, the marriage between the maln character Elizabeth and Mr Darcy gives a happy marriage. The relationship first begins with Mr Darcys opinion of Elizabeth she is tolerable but not handsome enough to tempt me (page 13). Mr Darcy was not first attracted by Elizabeth and yet her personality as he started know and later admits In Vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. (Page 157). Mr Darcy feelings grow to become so in love with Elizabeth that he wishes being with her forever. This proves the he didnt marry her not just for wealth, reputation, class or t finds with her. Austen represented her beliefs on a good marriage through Elizabeth and Darcy relationship to prove to the audience that happiness in marriage can only e achieved if the couple marry because of their love for one another. Jane Austen showed her audience through reading Pride and Prejudice the importance of marrying through the examples of Lydia, Wickham, Mr and Mrs Bennet, Darcy and Elizabeth on the outcomes that come along with the marriage mate. These examples of marriages found in the novel, we can see this in reading that Lydia and Wickhams marriage was somewhat frowned upon whereas we had the happy ending of Elizabeth and Darcys marriage that was through happiness and love.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Must-Read Entrepreneurial Books For College Students
Must-Read Entrepreneurial Books For College Students Must-read entrepreneurial books for college students Entrepreneurship comes with a number of challenges and deciding to start your own business without any prior experience can be daunting and risky. Having a lucrative idea for the business venture is great but not enough. You will have a lot of obstacles to overcome, but even if you do, this will still not guarantee the success of your business. You will inevitably face many discouraging tough problems along the way, so being prepared for what might come can be a great practice. Learn from the experience of the successful businessmen who wrote about their failures and wins in their books, in order to know how to do it right and what business mistakes to avoid. The Innovatorââ¬â¢s Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen This book is revolutionary in its nature. The author approached the idea of companyââ¬â¢s success by analyzing why it failed. It reminds that no executive or company is bulletproof, no matter how successful they are. Innovation, Commercialization, and Start-Ups in Life Sciences by James F. Jordan The book investigates how investment is intertwined with the process of delivering innovation. Referring to the real-life examples, the author describes the difficulties which young innovator may face after deciding to commercialize his product on the market. Pitch Your Business like a Pro by Victor Kwegyir If you are a student and would like to start your own business, it is quite likely that you have financial restraints. In such cases, an investor might be of help for your start-up. In order to get one you will have to own a great business pitching style, and if you do not have one at the moment, you will have to learn it. This book will help you acquire your own winning pitching style, and this will serve you good when you get into a serious business world. Speak to Win by Brian Tracy This is another one book that emphasizes the importance of great public speaking skills in a corporate world. Even if your product or idea is brilliant, failing to present what you offer in the best possible persuasive manner can cost you dearly. The author shares with great insights into peoplesââ¬â¢ behavior and offers pieces of advice on how to become more confident and grow personally as well as professionally. Gamify: How Gamification Motivates People to Do Extraordinary Things by Brian Burke It is not a secret that in order for the employee to be productive at work, he needs to be motivated. However, many employers do not know how to do it correctly or simply underestimate the importance of the recognition of a job done well. To guide your team effectively, you need to know different encouraging techniques. Many pieces of advice listed in this book will help you lead your team to the success of your business. Setting up a business is always risky, especially if you are a startupper. Yes, you have a lot of determination and energy; you have a great idea and you are eager to present your unique product or service to the world. However, to be ready for the harsh business reality, it is better to be well-prepared. We are sure that the wisdom, which is shared by successful businessmen in the books that we listed, will help you get into the entrepreneurship as smoothly as possible.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Luca Signorelli and His Work at Orvieto Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Luca Signorelli and His Work at Orvieto - Essay Example From this paper it is clear thatà every artist reveals a certain theme in any given work. From the works of Luca, themes such as strength of youths, the strict austerity of middle life, and the resolute seriousness of the old age were depicted. He showed dignity in appreciating human life. Among the remarkable works of Luca, only two were executed before Luca approached forty years. These are the Madonna and Flagellation. The execution of Flagellation though done skillfully, it depicted the strength in youths. This vital work inspired the youths and encouraged them to bring out the power in them.This study discusses that later works showed strict austerity in middle age, and the resolute seriousness of the old life. The theme of inspiration came out of all the work that Luca did. For example, in some of the decorations, in the Chapel, Luca showed several famous poets and scenes taken from their work; to clarify the theme of inspiration. In his work, in Orvierto, Luca portrayed them es chosen for decoration of the chapel. The main themes chosen were ruling of the antichrist, last judgment, redemption, damnation, and the resurrection of the dead. These themes helped other artists and readers to fathom the culture of Renaissance.à Luca is known to have done numerous paintings in different cities. It may not be possible to mention all the works that he did, but some of his principal works can be analyzed.... Luca worked in Cortona, where some paintings, which he painted, remains still. He began painting in the Cathedral of Perugia, then Monte Oliveto before being commissioned to undertake the decoration of Cappella Nuova in the Cathedral of Orvieto. In the Cathedral, he represented the prophetic series story of the Anti-Christ; End of the World; Resurrection of the body, Paradise; Inferno, and the Divine comedy (Henry 45). The inferno scenes about End of the World scene indicate tortures of Hell. This layout of work influenced many artists in the field of painting. His later work ended in Vatican, where he sacrificed to make way for Raphaelââ¬â¢s work. Luca returned to his native land, Cortona, after the Vatican contract where he continued to do his paintings, but in small bits. His painting career ended in his native land of Cortona (Henry 46). Theology of Luca Signorelli Through the Church art work, an artist portrays religious views or teachings. Most of the art work done by Luca p ortrayed his views regarding Christian teachings. He seemed dedicated in knowing the truth about Christââ¬â¢s teachings, and described the truth teaching through the paintings, which he created. His desire to enquire the truth about Christ can be seen when he got a contract to paint the Cathedral of Orvieto. In this contract, he sought theological advice from masters of theology. In most of his paintings, he created images representing the true view of the religious books. According to him, true representation of religious matters was a crucial aspect in helping people to discover the truth (Gilbert 55). He represented in art form, the consequences or the end results of preaching and embracing antichrists. In his paintings, he started with
Friday, November 1, 2019
HY 1110-08F-2, AMERICAN HISTORY I (HY1110-08F-2) Essay - 2
HY 1110-08F-2, AMERICAN HISTORY I (HY1110-08F-2) - Essay Example If the federal government was only going to do things specifically outlined by the Constitution, then it would be a very week governing body. At first, James Madison agreed with Hamilton. But later, he reversed his position and opposed the establishment of a central federal bank. The establishment of the Second Bank of The United States led to the court case Mculloch v. Maryland. The state of Maryland opposed the newly established Second Bank of The United States. They created a special tax that was placed on all out-of-state banks. The only out-of-state bank at the time was The Second Bank of the United States. Chief Justice john Marshall ruled against Maryland. He viewed the special tax as an opposition to the establishment of another federal bank, which is what it actually was. He used the Necessary and Proper Clause to establish the fact that the federal government could establish this bank. Marshall even went to explain that "necessary" didnt mean "absolutely necessary" but proper and appropriate (Gressman 2001). He said that it was linked to the powers of the federal government to set and collect taxes. This clause greatly expands the scope of federal power. Many laws that have been created by the federal government have been justified using this clause. The power to control commerce that the constitution gives the federal government and the Necessary and Proper Clause are often used in conjunction. This occurred during much of FDRs New Deal legislation and in making the transporting of certain items across state boundaries a federal
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